About Us

NavyField, being a strategy game, a role playing game, a community game, however, finds itself lacking most of the said features. Indeed, the NF Devs have tried to redress the issues; yet, the burden continues to fall on the NF community and its players. Many of such have tried; many of such have failed. Another will now rise.

Olympia Fleet arises to remedy such a problem. She will put the fun back into the game (for those who have lost it) and she will maintain and enhance the fun (for those who have yet to lose it) while maintaining the professionalism of a formidable fleet. Through training, inter and intrafleet events, and active participation in the NF community, Olympia will prevail.

There are those fleets that have a faulty leadership. There are those that seem dead, or “asleep.?There are those that are plain neophytes. Such are the less desirable fleets. Such are the fleets that fail, that are dull, that whiter away. Olympia will maintain an exceptional leadership. She will be active and alive. She will have seasoned and skilled players in the ranks; and for those that are not but motivated, they will be trained and brought up to standards.

Consequently, to run and execute such a proposal will require motivated and skilled members. If there is such a player who thinks he has what it takes, apply; apply to be the cadre of a new command.


Origins of the Fleet

In the Summer of 2009, it was seen that the skill and value of NF Fleets and Players were gradually declining. The old veterns were seeing the game as now pointless, and as such, gradually left. Thus, the planning began as the Fleet Commander and Vice Fleet Commander organized the layout for the Olympia Fleet. Using prior experience and knowledge, the set of rules and values seen in this fleet were created and now exist.

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